About Us

proudly delivering the finest sods in the greater St. John's and surrounding areas


Measuring for Sod

We sell our sods by the square foot and they are shipped on pallets of 500 sq.ft. Our normal shipping load is 6000 sq. ft. per load but we will deliver smaller quantities for a delivery fee.
Once you have measured the area to be sodded we recommend that you add 5-10% to your total to account for cutting and trimming.

Soil Preparation

  • Rake out larger debris, slope away from house
  • Evenly spread 4-6 inches of topsoil
  • Distribute lime and fertilizer over area
  • When laying sods avoid overlapping or gaps
  • Rolling out the sods helps to avoid air pockets for a level final product.

Caring for your new lawn

  • Watering: Soak new sods immediately
  • Water daily, in accordance with weather (i.e. natural rainfall).Should water twice daily if extremely hot or windy.
  • Water in cooler part of day.
  • If brown patches appear, water those more thoroughly.
  • Continue to water for 2-2.5 weeks to allow for optimal root integration.
  • CAUTION: Overwatering may compact sods and allow for insect infestation. Avoid heavy foot traffic on sods for the first 2-3 weeks.

Fertilize and Lime

  • Fertilize approximately 1 month after installation with 6-12-12.
  • If sod installed in Spring or early Summer wait until Fall to fertilize again.
  • Liming can wait until late Fall or early Spring the following year,we recommend 2 applications, Spring and Fall.
  • Annually we recommend 3 applications of fertilizer: Spring, Summer and Fall.
  • We recommend 21-6-12(Spring/Summer) and 6-8-14(Fall).


Proper mowing keeps turfgrass healthy and beautiful.Use mower on the highest setting (avoid using dull mow blade) when grass is 3-5 inches high. Don't let grass grow so tall that it falls over. The taller the grass, the less dense the lawn and the higher chance of weed infestation.


Preferred weeding methods: hand dig or spot treating with environmentally friendly treatment. Always be on alert for insects/disease.

Call us today so we can deliver your Nursery Sods 709-588-7938 or 709-685-3135

Baccalieu Sod Farms Inc has an extensive history working in the greater St John’s and surrounding areas and is ready to serve all your sod's needs.


We Accept

  • Payment on delivery

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